Nuacht agus Imeachtaí
Scag preasráitis agus imeachtaí de réir bliana
NOAC at its “Supporting customer experience in Local Government Workshop” demonstrated good examples of customer service from Dublin City, Meath,…
Details of this local authority’s involvement in the scrutiny process are examined within this report. This overall process commenced in…
Details of this local authority’s involvement in the scrutiny process are examined within this report. This overall process commenced in…
Details of this local authority’s involvement in the scrutiny process are examined within this report. This overall process commenced in…
The National Oversight and Audit Commission hosted a workshop to bring together representatives of the local authority audit committees, the…
This is the ninth annual report of the National Oversight and Audit Commission (NOAC), covering the period 1 January –…
Details of this local authority’s involvement in the scrutiny process are examined within this report. This overall process commenced in…
Details of this local authority’s involvement in the scrutiny process are examined within this report. This overall process commenced in…
The 2022 Performance Indicator Report is the ninth annual report published by NOAC in relation to its function of scrutinising local…