2023 Public Spending Code Preparatory Material


Preparatory Material:

2023 Public Spending Code Report:

The tenth Public Spending Code Report for the local government sector was published by NOAC in September 2024. This is in accordance with the Department of Public Expenditure, National Development Plan Delivery and Reform (DPENDPDR).

Ahead of its release, NOAC circulated the below CCMA guidelines and templates to the 31 local authorities for completion. The deadline for submission of each local authority’s 2023 Quality Assurance report was Friday 31 May 2024.

Please note the following:

  • Only the Excel and Word documents provided by DPENDPDR should be returned and they should be editable with whole unrounded figures recorded i.e. €1,000,058.00 not “€1m”.
  • Cells and headings should not be amended or moved.
  • Additional cells or headings should not be inserted into the documents. Any additional information should be provided by way of a detailed note.
  • If there is no information to provide for a particular question this should be left blank or marked as n/a where indicated.

Submissions that do not follow the above will be returned.

Please ensure that the required documents are submitted by email to info@noac.ie by the deadline of Friday 31 May 2024.